Recently some things have been happening in the dog training world. The tide has slowly been turning over the last 50 years away from either misunderstood harsh methods, or from misunderstood science. Quebec is the latest jurisdiction to ban the use of both electronic (stim, e-collar, 'tap' collar etc) collars as well as prong (pinch etc) collars. Use of these devices on a dog, in training or otherwise, can result in a $600 fine.
Germany has also banned the use of shock collars as well as some other countries; and yet others are also considering a ban on them. The City of Toronto in Canada bans them in public parks - although most people that use the parks in Toronto do not know this.
The United Shutzhund Clubs of America ban the use of these devices in or on the grounds where competitions are being held. (although it does seem that they are still allowed to be used otherwise).
More than one country has banned the use of the methods used in the Dog Whisperer TV program as well. The man himself may want to do good for dogs but the methods used in the program are what outraged numerous groups.
The FCI (FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE) the overarching body for all National Kennel Clubs in the world, bans the use of prong collars during competition (again, they cannot be on the grounds of competition). They are currently also suggesting that a ban on users of these devices before after or during competitions be enacted.
So why would are these bodies and governments trying to enact bans on these devices? Perhaps lobbying by those of us that disagree with them has started a trend, but I would like to think that our politicians have actually looked at the science behind the arguments and seen the reality. Aversives such as these are not only unnecessary, they cause a welfare problem for a lot of animals that they are used on.
I can hear the disagreements and ranting already. "You can't tell me what methods to use to train my dog!" Yet I (the public/province/country) can tell you what to use or not use against your children... or your spouse.
"They only stop the dog from XXX they don't hurt them." At the very least, they are a strong annoyance, or they wouldn't work. The science backs this up. If something decreases a behaviour, then we are either adding something or taking something away (positive punishment or negative punishment). There HAS to be some mechanism that the dog either finds aversive (need to avoid - not safe) or aggravating (you took something safe away!) for punishment to work in these two cases. So if just the sound or a prong or choke chain is all that the dog reacts to, then they don't need to wear the collar.
The classic Straw Man "if we don't use these methods the dog will be destroyed!". Science proves that DS/CC (desensitization and counter-conditioning) are what we need. If I'm scared of clowns, and every time one comes near me someone zaps me with a tazer to keep me from punching it's lights out I'm going to start getting even more jittery every time I see clowns because I'm going to expect a possible zap. Electrocuting me is not the answer; therapy to work on helping me deal with the emotions behind the evil clowns is.
Step by step the world is starting to understand the value of a healthy emotional life of the animals we keep in our midst. Hopefully it will happen with more frequency.